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Secure your property share so that your children aren't disinherited. Your kids can lose out on property in a couple of key ways.
Disinheritance by Remarriage to new Spouse
If a widow or widower remarries and then passes on without updating their Will, in the mistaken belief that their old Will is still valid, in fact, a marriage automatically makes an existing Will null and void, and the new spouse inherits while the children will not inherit what they expect.
Disinheritance by Nursing Home Fees
If a widow or widower needs nursing home care and their house is sold to pay the care fees, the children will not receive their share of the house.
The Solution: Property Trusts
When the first of you passes on, you can leave your half of the house "in Trust" for your children, so they inherit on the death of both partners. A Property Trust guarantees that children will inherit your share of the house regardless of the situation.
You will need to sever the Joint Tenancy on your home to do this. Call us to arrange a home visit for more information on this topic and more.
Contact us in when you need established Will Writers who
keep you updated on the legality of your Will.