01604 214151 / 07957889518
The Government are in the process of amending the law regarding the witnessing of Wills. Although the new arrangements will not be made law until the end of the year there is provision in the new law to backdate the arrangements from March 2020.
Broadly current law allows a Will to be signed and witnessed provided the witnesses and the person making the Will (the 'Testator') have clear line of site of each other, therefore it would be perfectly alright for the witnesses to be in one room and the Testators in another, provided they can see each other. Alternatively witnesses could be outside looking through a window while the Testators sign the Will and then have the Will passed to them for their signatures.
There is also provision for video-witnessing, the conditions for this are rather lengthy and Government has a habit of changing procedures, it would therefore be advisable to visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/guidance-on-making-wills-using-video-conferencing#video-witnessing for the most up-to-date guidance.
Should you wish to sign and witness your Will by video-link please send copies of the film with your signed Wills to us.
During the current epidemic we are keeping home visits to a minimum. Consequently when a client's death occurs we are posting the deceased Will with Certified Copies to the Executor and not delivering in person, as has been our past procedure.
When a Home Visit cannot be avoided we are following current guidelines and maintaining social distancing, a mask will be worn by our representative and all surfaces touched will be wiped with antiseptic wipes before leaving.
On-Line Video appointment can be arranged on request.